This website is primarily meant as a collection of resources and information. It is maintained by an individual, an Orthodox layman (belonging to a ROCOR parish in the Diocese of Western Europe), as a service to the Orthodox Church and to Western Rite efforts in the Church. If you have inquiries about the Western Rite or parishes, or if you are interested to attend Western Rite Liturgies, or to join a Western Rite group, please, contact directly groups of interest to you, by using the extensive resources provided in the directories of websites, parishes and monasteries made available on this website.
News, corrections and additions are much appreciated. Please, remember that only Western Rite canonical groups are included here. No judgement is made about other groups. Moreover, individuals and groups may evolve over the years. But the need for clarity requires to limit this website to groups considered as canonical by Orthodox clergy and faithful.

This site was launched in April 2011. It was redesigned in December 2018. For our visitors who may be curious to know how the first version of the site looked, a screenshot of the directory page of the site as it used to be from 2011 to 2018 is provided below.