Since a number of people interested in the Western Rite (WR) would like to know more about the conference that is scheduled to take place next October near New York City, Father Deacon Robert Sherwood has kindly provided us with precisions regarding the categories of participants expected to come:
The primary attendees at the Conference would be WR Clergy (ROCOR [Russian Orthodox Church Outside Russia] and AWRV [Antiochian Western Rite Vicariate]); some will have their wives with them. Monastics and oblates are urged to come as well. Secondarily would be clergy who are seeking to enter the WR of Orthodoxy. But it is open, as space permits, for others who would have an interest and would be in a position to make positive contributions. The site we will be using this year can accommodate about 60 people and is not that large. Future Conferences, which by agreement will be held jointly with the AWRV, would probably be larger and if the setting were near a large parish might have an open session which would draw a broad local participation. That was the case at the AWRV Conference at St. Peter’s at Fort Worth a few years ago. Essentially the Conference will be first come first served but prioritized for clergy. There will be an official announcement soon that would provide precise details and contact information.